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Aoodhu Bi Jalaali Wajhikal Kareem

اعُوذُ بِجَلالِ وَجْهِكَ الْكَرِيمِ

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It is stated in Anisu Saliheen that each night in the month of Ramadhan this supplication be recited:

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I take refuge with the majesty of Thy generous aspects, from that which weigh heavy upon me in the month of Ramazan, or any night in this month departs and the day breaks but I do not carry out any of the duties imposed by Thee, or any sin that Thou may find fit for reprisal.


Aoodhu Bi Jalaali Wajhikal Kareemi An Yanqadhiya Annee Shahru Ramadhaan Aw Yatlual Fajru Min Laylati Haadhihi Wa Laka Qibali Tabi'atun Aw Dhanbun Tu'adh-Dhibunee Alayhi